Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Did you know that thousands of Special Education Teaches are At-Risk?

A news report issue last week states that 12,000 special education teachers and assistances could lose their jobs if automatic cuts in federal special ecucation grants to states go through.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Differentiation: Moving Away From One Size Fits All in Professional Development

The Invisible Teacher© Problem

I need a few professional developments, but there aren't any workshops that will help me to grow as a learner.

The Invisible Teacher© Solution:

Professional Development is about giving teachers personalized learning professional development that is crucial to improving education. There should be three strands of application:

The First Strand: Connection. If professional development is connected to teacher's real work then instruction and student learning will improve. Especially, if the materials matches the curriculum that the teachers are using in real time.

The Second Strand: The Blueprint. Teachers are using district and state academic standards as a guide in their work so professional development again should link to their daily experiences and aligned with standards and assessments.

The Third Strand: Evaluation. Measurement, assessment, and accountability measure their success. Therefore, professional development should have activities that are focus on high-quality subject-matter content. It should boost the performance of both teachers and students.

Bottom Line: What matter most is that professional development should improve teacher's knowledge of the subject matter that they are teaching and should enhance student thinking.

Professional Developers should keep in mind that, good teachers form the foundation of good schools!