Sunday, May 15, 2011

Zarya Academy

If you want a school that want FAIL you and you live in the Fort Worth, Texas area.
Check out Zarya Academy! Coming in the Fall of 2011. Inbox me for more information. Spanish Immersion! Educators 8% discount! Infant-Kinder! After School Care! Serious Inquiry!

Bad Leadership: What It Is, How It Happens, Why it Matters.

At a time when societies around the globe are struggling to combat corruption and lapses of ethics, the world needs people who lead with the courage of their convictions. I love this ad! “HOWEVER” are we holding our educational principals accountable for inspiring and leading teachers into a direction that can make our schools better? I hear all over the media and school board meetings that the reason for bad and failing schools is the teachers. Yet, no one is holding bad principals accountable. A bad school is often led by a bad principal.

As we evaluate our schools in this country, let us take the time out to evaluate those principals that use their power and authority for bad, and who are only serving their own purpose.