Saturday, January 9, 2016

Is Corporal Punishment at My School Allow ?

Paddling is not uncommon  in 19 states.  In the 1977 Supreme Court case Ingraham v. Wright, the court found that spanking in schools does not violate students' rights, specifically the Eighth Amendment's "cruel and unusual punishment" clause and the Fourteenth Amendment's right to due process. However, in Texas lawmakers do give the parents the right to exempt their children from corporal punishment with a sign waiver.

These states still allow it: 
  1. Alabama
  2. Arizona
  3. Arkansas
  4. Colorado
  5. Florida
  6. Georgia (Atlanta banned)
  7. Idaho
  8. Indiana
  9. Kansas
  10. Kentucky
  11. Louisiana
  12. Mississippi
  13. Missouri
  14. North Carolina
  15. Oklahoma
  16. South Carolina
  17. Tennessee (Memphis banned)
  18. Texas (Houston banned)
  19. Wyoming  

Copyrighted© 2016 Denise M. Johnson-Jackson. All rights reserved

Thursday, December 10, 2015

Every Student Suceed vs No Child Left Behind!

Is Every Student Succeed Act the Same as the No Child Left Behind Act? Students in poverty. Minorities. Students receiving special education services. Limited or no English. Find out in our upcoming webinar!

Saturday, November 7, 2015

Getting Prepare for Teaching

          Getting  Prepare for Teaching
By:  Dr. Denise M. Johnson-Jackson

I’m a educator. I’m ambitious. I’m passionate. I teach with my whole heart. In my beginning years, I would often apologize for myself when others accused me of being too much of a dreamer, too impulsive, or overly passionate about my subject, students, parents, fellow teachers and advocating. Now, I literally give zero thoughts about others’ opinions.

If you feel good about the decisions you make about students and the curriculum and how you treat others in the profession, that’s really all you need at this point. Insecure teachers are administrators who feel lousy about their own behaviors or lack of confidence may try to pick apart your character or professional choices, and that is completely their problem. You keep doing you educator. Teach and Educate how you feel and let your students success rise as high as they can. If you know you’re a good teacher or educator, you’ve got nothing to apologize for at all.

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Why is Lesson Planning and Curriculum Conference Important?

If you’ve ever had the pleasure of having somebody really conference or do a professional development with you about planning and choosing a lesson based on your own student needs, then you understand why serious planning on your own is so very important. One really great curriculum and lesson planning conference is enough to teach off of as a teacher for weeks, months, and sometimes even a lifetime.

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Johnson Jackson Books (Worksheet Division)

Dedicated to providing the high-quality, educational materials for students in grades K-5!
Public, Private, Early Childhood Centers, Home Schools, After Schools, Tutorials, and Christian Schools. .  We hope your students and kids enjoy learning with the resources that we have coming.

Monday, June 17, 2013

What is the Role of Phonics Intervention in Second and Third Grade Instruction?

Do you know that only about one percent of the population of early readers  are actually reading on grade level?  So that leaves 99 percent of the students that are sitting in today's classroom at-risk according to Pikulski & Tobin (1988) . In short, strategies have been developed for second graders and below teachers to follow.  However, many of our students are leaving the second grade without a clear understanding of phonics and how letters work together to form words.  So, I recommend teaching phonic with an intensive approach.  Here are a few suggestions:

  • Spend a lot of time on specific sound.
  • Using games
  • Stopping Students as they read through a passage and point out certain connection  or the difference between a long a and a short a.
  • Have the students to read the passage or story and pause to sound out the individual parts of a word.
  • Test and Drill
Remember that phonics is the basic of learning to read.  It involves the process of decoding.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Did you know that thousands of Special Education Teaches are At-Risk?

A news report issue last week states that 12,000 special education teachers and assistances could lose their jobs if automatic cuts in federal special ecucation grants to states go through.